
solidstates is a Seoul-based architecture practice established in New York City. We have diverse interests related to space, architecture, place, urbanism, and the human experience, guiding our approach to research and design. Our work spans a wide range of physical environments, from small-scale objects, furniture, and installations to large-scale architecture, structural projects, and master planning.

이원석 | 李元碩 | Prof. Wonshok Lee, AIA, Principal

Wonshok Lee is a registered architect in New York, U.S., and a professor at Hongik University's School of Architecture. He received his Master of Architecture from Columbia University GSAPP and a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering from Seoul National University. Before founding solidstates, Wonshok gained professional experience at several prestigious firms, including OMA (Rotterdam, Netherlands), Bolles+Wilson (Münster, Germany), Archi-Tectonics (New York, U.S.), Massimiliano Fuksas (Rome, Italy), and Laguarda.Low (New York, U.S.). He has led a range of projects, from large urban master plans to diverse architectural programs in cultural, residential, educational, institutional, and commercial settings.

Additionally, Wonshok directs SDL (solidstates design lab) at the Hongik University Graduate School, fostering a complementary association between design, theory, and the intersection of practice and academia.

이원석은 솔리드스테이츠의 대표이자 홍익대학교 건축학부 건축학전공 교수이다. 서울대학교 건축학과와 컬럼비아 건축대학원(M.Arch)을 졸업하였으며, 네덜란드의 OMA, 독일의 Bolles+Wilson, 뉴욕의 Archi-Tectonics와 Laguarda.Low, 로마의 Fuksas에서 다양한 프로그램과 스케일의 프로젝트를 담당하였다. 미국 건축사이자 LEED Green Associate이다. 서울특별시 공공건축가, 서울특별시 교육청 학교건축가로 활동 중이며, 문화재청의 전문위원, 자문위원 / 화성시 도시계획위원, 건축위원, 경관위원을 역임하였다.